Memorizing Scripture: Essential to Christian Growth

Memorizing verses of scripture from the Bible is a practice deeply rooted in the Christian tradition. It plays a crucial role in the spiritual growth and development of a believer, offering a multitude of benefits that impact daily life and faith. Whether for personal reflection, encouragement, or guidance, memorizing scripture...

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Increase your reading this year with the great titles

Did you promise yourself to read more books this year? Here’s a little help with a few great titles authored by African American theologians, scholars and leaders. These books offer invaluable perspectives on issues of race, justice, and faith. Through rigorous analysis, personal narratives, and theological reflection, these authors challenge...

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Becoming a Vessel of Reconciliation

Becoming a vessel of reconciliation is a profound theme in the Christian’s walk, emphasizing the transformative power of Christ’s message in fostering unity and healing divisions. This concept is deeply rooted in the biblical narrative. Let’s shed some light on the significance and practical implications of becoming agents of reconciliation....

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So was Jesus Really Born on December 25th?

The question of whether Jesus was born on December 25 is a topic that has intrigued theologians, historians, and Christians for centuries. While the Bible does not explicitly mention the specific date of Jesus’ birth, December 25 has been widely accepted as the traditional date for celebrating Christmas. Theologians such...

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Living a Life Focused on God

Living a life focused on God, deeply rooted in faith and devotion, is a pursuit that resonates across our Christian faith. Biblical scholars, drawing from their unique experiences and insights, offer profound wisdom on how individuals can center their lives on God’s principles and teachings. Dr. Howard Thurman, a prominent...

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The Profound Benefits of Trusting God

Trust is a cornerstone of our relationship with the divine. In times of uncertainty and adversity, many turn to their faith for guidance and solace. The Bible, offers numerous passages that extol the virtues and benefits of placing our trust in God. In this article, we will explore four biblical...

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Building Strong Relationships: Biblical Wisdom for Lasting Bonds

In a world filled with constant change and fast-paced living, the importance of building strong and lasting relationships cannot be overstated. Whether in our personal lives, marriages, friendships, or within our communities, nurturing relationships based on love, trust, and understanding is vital for our well-being. The Bible offers profound guidance...

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